Blog Ammo Reload Week – Everyone Has A Job To Do
**Our honesty policy: This post may contain affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase at no extra cost to you. Some are, some aren't--I do some comparison shopping. The important thing is you will know exactly what we are talking about. Drop a note/comment if you have any questions on the products as these are materials and tools we use on our own projects.
Our family is on the road this week getting more ammo for this blog. Everyone has a job to do and my husband, daughter and I are all playing our parts. We’ve done a bit of everything: lugging new beams and siding, pulling nails roofers left behind, cursing when you accidentally hit your head, late night painting, more than a few skipped showers, working with some great people in the foundation business along with working with some great and not so great people in the roofing business.
Expect more house adventure stories and lessons coming your way very soon…after we recover!
Here was our schedule for the week.
Rental property #1:
- Replace the rotten sections of the foundation (Monday-Wednesday).
- Reroof the house after the foundation work was complete (Thurs-Friday).
Rental property #2 (which is thankfully right across the street):
- Replace the rotten sections of the foundation and add additional support to sagging main beams (Thurs-Friday).
Yes, Thursday and Friday were double booked. This picture succinctly captures the chaos on site:

A foundation repair complete, a reroof in progress and a second foundation repair in progress across the street.
***Bonus points for you if you noticed the first foundation repair left a gaping hole in the siding! You may also have noticed new siding primed out under the carport waiting to be installed today or tomorrow. Some of you are nodding in understanding–how easily one projects causes a follow on project, and then another…
In the meantime here are some pictures of how we spent our “vacation” time the last few days. It also documents how–on every job site–everyone has a job to do.
Rental property #2 is my first house which is where this blog started.

Just a few members of the crew the roofing company hired to reroof rental house #1 after the foundation work was complete.

A five month pregnant mommy motivating the roofers by picking up a pry bar to take out nails and staples left behind by the crew while my little girl took a nap.
I promise you the above photo is a future blog post you won’t want to miss!

Of course, mommy wouldn’t be able to pull nails and staples on the roof if the little foot you see sticking out of the requested nap time location was not fully asleep…
Everyone has a job to do on a work site! Naps are included as an essential task otherwise there would be no blog post today. 😉