How to Change a A/C Air Filter (& Skip the Guilt Trip)
When was the last time you changed your air filter? Don’t feel bad if you don’t know the answer. Just take that as a sign that it needs to be changed. Now. 🙂 You...
When was the last time you changed your air filter? Don’t feel bad if you don’t know the answer. Just take that as a sign that it needs to be changed. Now. 🙂 You...
Me to my husband: Remember that movie Real Genius from the 80’s? Husband’s response: The one where they had the laser and blew up the house with popcorn? Yeah, that one! You can...
This Dauber Stopper review is specifically for you if you are looking for a solution to prevent mud dauber wasps from blocking your: Air conditioner backup condensate line Gas water heater blow off line...
The 2020 International Builder Show (the good kind of IBS acronym) in Las Vegas last week was a great time. Of course, any time in Vegas is a good time if you are doing...
Have you ever had your air conditioner emergency drain line back up due to a clog in the line? If you live where there is a noticeable mud dauber wasp population in the area...
Here’s to a first annual Halloween inspired post of scary home photos–some REAL 2019 Halloween inspiration my husband and I have captured this year. These are not all in our home, but they are...
When someone says “Remediation!”, bee removal is not the first thing that comes to mind. Instead, you immediately think: water damage… fire and smoke damage… dreaded mold… ripping out drywall and cabinets… or some...
Ever hear a whistle coming out of your air return and wonder if something could be done about it? Or have you gone one step further and considered your air return as a choke...