Live Action! Showing All the Alfred DB2 Features [Video]
**Our honesty policy: This post may contain affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase at no extra cost to you. Some are, some aren't--I do some comparison shopping. The important thing is you will know exactly what we are talking about. Drop a note/comment if you have any questions on the products as these are materials and tools we use on our own projects.
I don’t punt often, but when I do, it’s worth it! The Alfred DB2 features video is up on YouTube!
Was there too much math in the last one?
Too many words?
I know there weren’t too many pictures!
**If you are new to the blog, welcome! If you are looking for the full-on deep dive Alfred DB2 review check it out here: The HOTTEST Smart Lock in 2020: Alfred DB2 Review **
If you didn’t make it to the bottom, check out the video below where you’ll see everything I wrote about–in action!
**Spoiler alert** If you weren’t convinced enough to click on the video here are a few pictures that give you an idea of the action packed adventures that happened on my doorstep over the last month.
When your phone acts as your front door key, what happens when your phone is stolen and you log into the Alfred app on another phone.
My impression of Neo (The Matrix) “freeing my mind” to allow me to crash through the door when the batteries die in the smart lock.
What the Alfred DB2 has in common with Lord of the Rings: when Gandalf CLEARLY explains to the Balrog it “SHALL NOT PASS!”
How YOU can pass when the batteries go out and you have a handy Rockwool power block.
What commonly happens when you have kids who refuse to walk in to the house…or you the kind of person who insists on carrying everything in one shot.
Fabulous Michael Kors heels (thanks again and still my favorite, lady), red nailpolish, rolling luggage sporting a new House of Rohl travel tag I won at a Kitchen and Baths of America grand opening raffle a few months ago. This is a truly made up scenario when no one is traveling…
Math!!!!! (Yes, I managed to do it live!)
Geofence testing…against my backyard “fence”! This seems like a great lead in to this post: When a Window Faces a Cinder Block Wall…Paint It!
Ummm…you’ll just have to see what I was testing for yourself.
I’ll admit, it is long for any kind of a review on YouTube (much like last week’s post), but goodness, that’s because this lock is so forward thinking–it is entirely different from anything else on the market. There are so many features in a smart home device that can make you feel safer and make coming home more convenient (one touch unlocking, remote access), entertaining (one touch unlocking and picking different keys to lock it) and pleasurable (easy on the eyes).
And, as you can tell, I’m thoroughly impressed with the Alfred DB2 features.
In my defense, there is a lot of footage that didn’t make the final cut and every last sentence had to earn it’s way for airtime due to the length.
But, if you are in the market for the best smart lock in 2020, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed:
- This is a no holds barred, head-to-head comparison between various smart locks–not just a one dimensional, pro-Alfred review.
- There is video proof, math and real life scenarios behind my conclusions.
The Alfred DB2 is not just looks, it’d genuine engineer intelligence and optimization built in!
It’s like I found a big secret which is really OK to tell everyone! I’m thrilled to be sharing Alfred locks with you!
The secret is out and I hope you enjoy it!
Again, a BIG thanks to Alfred for sending me a promotional lock. Not only did they send me a unit, but their customer service is PHENOMENAL too.
You can check it out for pricing / other reviews (do you need one after that video? ) here.
Also, a big thanks to Jon at The Junk Man’s Adventures who challenged me to up my audio game. Thanks to his recommendation of trying out Audacity, a free audio editor, and discovering a great plugin to make audio more even, the audio is no longer the weakest link. If you are into making videos and you use Audacity, check this plugin out (another not-so-secret secret I’m sharing). It will even out the sound of your voice when it inevitably goes up and down between different days and locations for shooting.
Another fun fact: apparently 150 or so videos and photos takes OpenShot down (the official total for this particular video is 176–what the, wha?!?*–and that doesn’t count the splits). It is a great free video editor, but if you try something like this, you’ll have to split your video in half during editing for sanity purposes. If anyone knows of other excellent free video editing software let me know (because let’s be real–in this environment, with advertising budgets slashed–aka those ads you see–and Amazon affiliate commissions going from 8% to 3% last week–this blog/YouTube venture is not paying for fancy software, just less beer toilet paper).
*I think my max before has been about 50. This was an all out blowout, but once I started…might as well go all the way pushing the envelope and see what I could do when I have a great product like this!